200512月下旬媒體回顧該年歌壇成果,美國知名歌手關史蒂芬妮(Gwen Stefani被譽為當年的最佳女藝人。有專家這樣評論她:


She made you dance, she made you rock and she made you go bananas.



英文成語go bananas相當於go crazy意思是「瘋掉」。這有兩種情況。第一種情況是指「並不是什麼壞事」的興奮之情,以上例句就是明證。再來看以下例句:


When the pop diva appeared, the fans went bananas.



They really went bananas at the party.



The crowd went crazy when the music began.




200511月中旬,美國女星亦即希爾頓旅館繼承人芭莉絲希爾頓( Paris Hilton )傳出一則消息,說是她受到寵物攻。媒體這樣報導:


Her pet monkey went bananas when she was out shopping for lingerie with the animal.



由上述例句可知,英文成語go bananas還有第二種情況,那就是指「並不是什麼好事」的激動之情。再來看以下例句:


He went bananas when he heard the news of her car accident.



The parents went bananas when they knew that their teenage daughter was in the family way.



注:in the family way是英文成語,意思是「懷孕」。




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