在日常英文中,表達「由於」( 或「因為」) 的方式至少有以下三種:


1. due to, 例如:


His failure is due to pride.

( 他的失敗是由於驕傲。)


Death due to cancer is common.

( 起因於癌症的死亡很常見。)


2. owing to, 例如:


He was fired owing to his laziness.

( 他因怠惰而被解雇。)


Owing to loving each other, they got married.

( 他們由於彼此相愛而結婚。)


3. because of , 例如:


He made a mistake because of carelessness.

( 他因不謹慎而出了個錯。 )


Because of rain, we didn't go out.

( 由於下雨,我們沒出門。)



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