
很多人都知道,美國加州州長阿諾史瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)在從政之前,是國際知名的動作片演員。20082月中旬,媒體針對動作片作分析報導時,就曾這樣提到他:


He shot to fame in 1984 with ‘The Terminator’.



英文常用語shoot to fame意思是「聲名大噪」或「一舉成名」。其中shoot一字作「發射」解;fame一字作「名聲」解,形容詞是famous。來看以下兩個例句:


She shot to fame by dancing.



Talent shot him to fame.





第二個常用語是propel to fame。其中propel一字作「推進」解。來看以下兩個例句:


This book propelled the writer to national fame.



Her role in the actioner propelled her to fame.



注:actioner相當於action movie,意思是「動作片」。


第三個常用語是rocket to fame。其中rocket一字作「迅速發射」解。來看以下兩個例句:


Writing novel rocketed him to fame.



She rocketed to national fame by singing.



第四個常用語是skyrocket to fame,其中skyrocket一字作「竄升」解。來看以下兩個例句:


The model skyrocketed to fame by appearing on the cover of Playboy.



The romance film skyrocketed the director to universal fame overnight.





20074月上旬,媒體報導英國足球明星貝克漢(David Beckham)和其妻維多利亞(Victoria Beckham)在美國洛杉磯覓新居,很是小心翼翼,唯恐暴露身分。原因是:


Once sellers find out the two stars are interested in buying, the prices skyrocket.





She was hospitalized after her blood pressure skyrocketed.



Population growth rate skyrocketed after the war.



Prices skyrocketed during the world war.



再回頭來說shoot to fame, propel to fame,rocket to fameskyrocket to fame這四個英文成語吧。四者講的都是推進火箭、導彈或人造衛星的動作,速度之快不難想見。或許有人會問:四者速度有無差別 ? 何者速度最快 ?問得不錯。讀者若能細細思考一下這個問題,對這四個常用語勢必更不會忘記。







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