1. 用occasionally, 例如:
He goes to see her occasionally.
( 他偶爾去看她。)
I go fishing occasionally.
( 我偶爾去釣魚。)
2. 用every now and then, 例如:
We eat durian every now and then.
( 我們偶爾吃榴槤。)
He plays tennis now and then.
( 他偶爾打網球。)
3. 用every now and again, 例如:
I go to the movies every now and again.
( 我偶爾去看電影。)
We dine out together now and again.
( 我們偶爾一起在外頭用餐。)
4. 用every once in a while, 例如:
She drinks wine every once in a while.
( 她偶爾喝葡萄酒。)
We go hiking once in a while.
( 我們偶爾去徒步旅行。)
說完了英文表達「偶爾」的四種方式,順便也來提一下once in a blue moon。這個英文成語的意思是「很難得才一次」或「千載難逢」,極言其「稀罕」。沒把它 歸類到「偶爾」的範圍,是因為其次數比「偶爾」要少得多。例如:
He goes surfing once in a blue moon.
( 罕見他去衝浪。)
I don't go there except once in a blue moon.
( 我很難得才去那裡一次。)