一. 用regardless of
Regardless of danger, she crossed the river.
( 儘管危險,她過河了。)
He still studied very hard regardless of his poor health.
( 儘管身體不好,他還是很用功。)
二 . 用despite
Despite the fact that he studied very hard, he didn't pass the entrance examination.
( 儘管他很用功,他並沒通過這場入學考試。)
He still kept smiling despite his sorrow.
( 儘管悲傷,他還是保持微笑。)
三. 用in spite of
In spite of snowing, they went to school as usual.
( 儘管在下雪,他們照常上學。)
I still believed him in spite of what they said.
( 不管他們怎麼說,我依然相信他。)