2010年7月12日,藝人賈靜雯和她的丈夫孫志浩在台北地方法院簽字離婚,並於即日起生效。這意味著,他倆從此正式分道揚鑣。或許有人會問:所謂「分道揚鑣」,英文該怎麼說 ?來看以下另一則報導。
2005年11月中旬,美國演、歌兩棲明星潔西卡辛浦森(Jessica Simpson)與其帥哥歌手丈夫尼克拉奇(Nick Lachey)宣告離異。他倆透過公關人員發表聯合聲明,一開頭是這麼說的:
After three years of marriage, and careful thought and consideration, we have decided to part ways.
英文成語part ways意思是「分道揚鑣」,亦即「你走你的陽關道,我過我的獨木橋」。簡單地說,就是「各走各的路」。part一字在此是當動詞用,作「分開」解。這個英文成語用途相當廣泛,不但可用來描述情侶或夫妻的分手,也可描述社會上各式各樣夥伴的拆夥。再來看以下例句:
The two partners have parted ways.
They are still friends after they parted ways.
還有另一種說法是come to a parting of the ways,意思也是「分道揚鑣」。但這裡的parting是當名詞用。也可以說arrive at a parting of the ways,或者說reach a parting of the ways。且看以下例句:
Peter and his girlfriend finally came to a parting of the ways.
The team members have reached a parting of the ways.