2007年4月上旬,英國足球明星貝克漢(David Beckham)及其夫人維多利亞(Victoria Beckham)在美國洛杉磯覓屋時,可謂小心翼翼。他們唯恐暴露自己的身分,被當成冤大頭。媒體這樣報導:
The couple don’t want to be ripped off by greedy house owners.
英文成語rip off意思是「剝削」或「敲詐」。be ripped off意思則是「被剝削」或「被敲詐」。換言之,後者是前者的被動形式。這種形式在新聞英文中常出現。
要注意的是:rip someone off是「剝削某人」或「敲詐某人」;rip something off是「偷( 騙 )走某物」。來看以下例句:
The salesman has ripped us off.
I don’t like him. He has ripped me off.
The employees were ripped off by the boss.
Turists were often ripped off by the local storekeepers.
The man ripped her money off.