2007年3月下旬,美國知名女星卡麥蓉狄亞(Cameron Diaz)在英國拍片時,對媒體表示:
I am hooked on British food.
英文成語be hooked on something可說成become hook on something,也可說成get hooked on something。其中hook一字當名詞用時作「鈎子」解,當動詞用時則作「鈎住」解。在此是以動詞的過去分詞型態呈現,當作形容詞來用。這個成語直譯是「用鈎子鈎住某物」,引申為「迷上某物」或「對某物上癮」。學英文的人要注意的是:無論迷上的東西是好是壞,都可用這個成語。再來看以下例句:
He is hooked on outdoor life.
She becomes hooked on coffee.
I get hooked on fishing.
The boy is hooked on PC game.
注:PC game意思是「電玩」。
She was hooked on drugs.
John became hooked on gambling.
The actor has got hooked on marijuana and the actress, cocaine.