





. pay the bill


Let's dine out. I'll pay the bill.

( 我們到外頭用餐吧。我請客。)


Order whatever you want. The boss will pay the bill.

( 想點什麼就點吧。老闆會請客。)


. foot the bill


My father will foot the bill for the tuition.

( 我爸爸會支付這筆學費。)


The government footed the bill when the bank went broke.

( 這家銀行倒閉時,是由政府買單的。)




. pick up the tab


My father picked up the tab for the lunch.

( 這頓午餐是由我老爸請客。)




He is generous. He often picks up the tab.

( 他很慷慨,時常請客。)



. treat


Let's lunch together. It's my treat.

( 一起吃個午餐吧。我請客。)


It's your treat next time.

( 下次你請客。)


注:以上兩句的 treat都當名詞用,作「招待」解。


Would you dine with me? I treat you.

( 要不要跟我共餐 ? 我請你。)


注:這句的 treat是當動詞用,也作「招待」解。


提到「我請客」,還有另一種說法是It's on me。來看以下例句:


Try the pearl milk tea. It's on me.

( 試試看這珍珠奶茶。我請客。)


The breakfast is on me.

( 這早餐由我請客。)


如果是店主人請客,就要用on the house。來看以下例句:


The cake is on the house.

( 這蛋糕是由店老闆請客。)


The drinks are one the house this time.

( 這次飲料是由店主人請客。)


還有一種情況是「各付各的」。最常見的用法,莫過於go Dutch這個英文成語。來看以下例句:


Whenever dining out, we go Dutch.

( 每次外食,我們都是各付各的。)


The restaurant is rather expensive. Let's go Dutch.

( 在這家餐廳吃相當貴。我們各付各的吧。)



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