2011年3月23日,一代巨星伊莉莎白泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)病故。媒體報導了她去世的消息:
She died in Los Angeles, aged 79.
Her grandfather died three years ago.
The dancer died tragically.
The soldiers died for their country.
He died of complications arising from lung cancer.
She died from congestive heart failure.
2008年9月下旬,媒體刋出了美國資深男星保羅紐曼(Paul Newman)病故的消息:
He passed away on September 26, 2008 at the age of 83.
英文成語pass away是對「死亡」較為含蓄的說法。洋人刻意不說die而說pass away,正如同華人刻意不說「死亡」而說「過世」一樣。學英文的人若懂得用pass away這個成語來表達「死亡」,修辭能力應已相當不錯。且看以下例句:
The composer passed away in 2001.
The old man passed away in his sleep last night due to natural causes.
除了pass away以外,另一含蓄措辭是pass on。兩者意思和用法都一樣。且看以下例句:
When her mother passed on, she was only three years old.
When I passed on, don’t cry for me.