2008年2月下旬,美國知名女星珍妮佛洛佩茲(Jennifer Lopez)初為人母,生下了一對龍鳳胎。媒體還說:
Her husband and she are delighted, thrilled and over the moon.
上述over the moon是個英文成語,意思是「欣喜若狂」或「為之雀躍」,亦即「快樂得不得了」。有人說,這個成語是源於以下這段兒歌:
The cow jumped over the moon
The little dog laughed
英文delighted一字相當於delightful,意思是「歡喜的」。thrilled一字意思是「興奮的」,亦即「高興得有點激動的」。以上兩字和成語over the moon三者連放,顯然是想要表現喜樂的三種層次,具有愈來愈high的意味。
I am delighted to be here.
She is delighted to be pregnant.
He was thrilled when he knew his wife was pregnant.
Mary is thrilled that she is going to be a mother once again.
再來看以下有關over the moon的例句:
He was over the moon at the good news.
She was over the moon at winning the gold medal.
The couple were over the moon with the newborn baby.
When he hit a home run, the whole team was over the moon.