2008年3月中旬,媒體報導好萊塢影視雙棲明星珍妮佛洛佩茲(Jennifer Lopez)生完一對雙胞胎之後,一副有子萬事足的模樣:
The superstar is in no rush to drop her baby weight.
英文常用語baby weight並非指寶寶的體重。通常女性生產過後,體重或多或少都會比懷孕之前增加,這種體重在英文中就稱為baby weight。換言之,baby weight相當於post-pregnancy pounds,指的是「產婦因先前懷孕而增加的體重」。
英文成語in no rush意思是「從容不迫」或「不慌不忙」,亦即「不急於做某事」。
She wants to lose her baby weight as soon as possible.
It’s not easy for her to lose the baby weight.
She still has her post-pregnancy pounds one year after she gave birth.
The fitness instructor is teaching her how to lose the post-pregnancy pounds.
注:fitness instructor是「健身教練」,相當於fitness guru。
以上baby weight中的weight一字,是當名詞用。weight的動詞是weigh,且看以下例句:
The baby weighs six pounds five ounces.