2005年11月中旬,媒體報導知名男星安東尼奧班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)主演「蒙面俠蘇洛」(The Mask of Zorro)時所用那把劍,一直放在他家秘密之處,藉以保護家人安全。這位西裔演員是知名女星麥蘭妮葛莉菲絲(Melanie Griffiths)的夫婿。他還對媒體這樣表示:
If my daughter’s future boyfriend steps out of line with her, I will take the sword down.
英文成語step out of line亦作get out of line。這個英文成語有兩層意思。第一層意思是「跨出線外」,指的是「不守交通或遊戲規則」。且看以下例句:
Don’t step out of the yellow line.
The child often stepped out of line when waiting.
He didn’t step out of line when we were dating.
Tom has a tendency to step out of line. That is the reason why she doesn’t want to go out with him.