2010年6月1日,媒體大篇幅報導了藝人賈靜雯與其丈夫孫志浩的離婚訴訟案。內容大致是說:雙方都有離婚意願,目前是在爭女兒「梧桐妹」的監護權,各不相讓。說到「監護權」,不禁令人聯想起美國知名歌手小甜甜布蘭妮(Britney Spears)來。
2008年1 月上旬,小甜甜布蘭妮在前往探視她兩個兒子之後,不肯把他們交還給前夫凱文菲德林(Kevin Federline),因而被警察送到醫院住了兩天。因為當時,她仍在跟前夫打「監護權」官司。媒體報導:
Her ex-husband currently has full custody of their two sons.
英文custody一字的英語意思是guarding or keeping,華語意思「監護」,也作「監護權」解。順便一提,custodian意思是「監護人」;legal custodian則是「法定監護人」。且看以下例句:
Mary is sure to get custody of the little girl.
The father was given custody of the children.
The divorce court awarded custody to the mother.
She was awarded custody of her children.
The two have agreed to share cusrody of their children.
The suspect has been in custody.
The attacker was taken into custody by police.