這裡所謂「 目前」或「暫時」,意思是說:只是眼下如此,並不會一直都這樣。英文表達「目前」或「暫時」,常見方式有以下五種:
- 用for the time being
My moving plan remain unchanged for the time being.
二.用for the present
He lives with his aunt for the present.
( 他目前暫與姑姑住在一起。)
三.用for the moment
Staying here will have to do for the moment.
( 目前定得要留在這裡。)
四.用for now
He should be quarantined for now.
( 他眼下得要被隔離。)
五. 用temporarily
May I use your computer temporarily?